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Oak - Click here to see what we have been learning

Welcome to Oak's Class Page. Here, you will find out all about what we have been learning and experiencing in our class. 

Autumn Term


We started the year with a residential trip to Robinwood in Alston, Cumbria. During the three days, we improved our resilience and problem-solving skills through activities such as wall climbing, canoeing, the trapeze, archery and an obstacle course. It was great to work together in teams and strengthen our friendships and sense of community. 

In Science, we have been learning all about the circulatory system and the heart. During Science Week, we enjoyed a workshop where we had the chance to dissect a heart to find out more about what it's made up of. In one of our lessons, we explored how exercise impacts our breathing rate by exercising on the spot and then measuring our breathing rate just after finishing and then later at rest. 

During our Forest School sessions, we have developed our skills with fire lighting, using the bow saw, loppers and sheath knives. We have cooked s'mores, rainbow toast and calzone pizza wraps on the fire! We've also had fun relaxing in the hammock, making a swing, 'cooking' in the mud kitchen, creating art using a technique called Hapa Zome and leaf rubbing. We've had so much fun, especially in the weeks where it was extra muddy! 

Spring Term


During Science in the Spring Term, Oak class learned all about light and how it travels. We did an experiment to find out that light travels in straight lines. 



We enjoyed a Parent Event, where we invited parents into school to work with us on a SATs Maths practice paper. The parents were very impressed with how well we worked! 

During 'Anti-Bullying Week', we were invited down to Reception to 'buddy' with our younger children. We played games, showing them co-operation, teamwork and turn-taking skills. 

Summer Term


In PE this term, we have been practising our cricket skills with Mrs. Thompson on the field. We're also doing some athletics.