Beech - Click here to see what we have been learning
Autumn Term
In Art, we enjoyed experimenting with different mark making techniques using a range of media. We then used these skills to create texture using oil and chalk pastels when carrying out observational drawings. To start our unit ‘Map it out’, we looked at a range of maps as a stimulus for our drawings, creating a map of our local area. We selected our favourite part of our map and turned this into a bold print. This was lots of fun!
Emerald Explorers Project
Year 1 have used our wonderful Forest School site to explore seasonal art with Jyl from the Emerald Explorers Project.The children enjoyed developing their observational drawing skills within nature. They had lots of fun using natural resources they have foraged to create some fantastic sculptures, showing great focus, experimentation and individuality. It has been lovely to work alongside Jyl and we are already looking forward to our next sessions in the Spring term.
It has been wonderful to have our PE lessons delivered by Mr Elliott, who is from the Newcastle United Foundation. During these sessions we have been focusing on developing our ball skills. This has included over and underarm throwing, bouncing and rolling. The children have thoroughly enjoyed every lesson, showing excellent listening skills and team work. They also applied these cooperative and problem-solving skills when carrying out missions set by Commando Joe.
In DT the children explored mechanisms used in a range of everyday objects. After receiving their design brief, the children decided on a set of criteria to make a moving monster to share with our Reception friends. Each child designed two monsters before their final design was voted for by their classmates. The children then drew, cut and assembled their moving monster using a linkage to create a colourful final piece of which they were very proud.