Beech - Click here to see what we have been learning
Design and Technology
This half term the children had an amazing time in our DT lessons. They had to design and make a windmill fit for a mouse. The children loved looking at different windmills and finding out all about them. They ensured they followed the design criteria and that they had the three main elements, a structure, turbine and axel. The results were amazing and the children were so proud of their achievements. Well done Beech class!
In P.E the children have really impressed myself and Mrs Thompson with their amazing ball skills. They have listened and followed instructions well and used different parts of their bodies to move the ball around the hall including their elbows which was really tricky!
Their dribbling skills were fantastic, I really think we might have our next England team on our hands!
In Science we have been learning all about our bodies including our senses. The children labelled all of their external body parts including their faces where they used mirrors to draw their portraits. They loved using their 5 senses to carry out different experiments. They used their tongues and sense of taste to discover which foods were salty, sweet or sour. They used their nose and sense of smell to guess what was a super smell or weird whiff in the covered pots. Their favourite experiment was using their ears and sense of hearing to guess the sound. They certainly had lots of fun!