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Maple - Click here to see what we have been learning

What a busy start to the year for Maple Class!

In Science, we have been learning all about States of Matter. In our lessons, we took part in many investigations and observations linked to solids, liquids and gases. We continued our learning on the Water Cycle too and we enjoyed making our own models of the cycle to show the processes of evaporation, condensation and precipitation. We also had fun during Science Week as we had some exciting visitors in school who showed us lots of different experiments.

In P.E., we have started our school swimming lessons and developed our fitness levels in Boogie Bounce. We have loved bouncing to the music and singing along while getting fitter each week.

In Maths, we have focused on place value, addition and subtraction. We have been identifying the value of each digit in 4 digit numbers, partitioning the numbers and then using strategies to add and subtract in the most efficient way.