Seedlings - Click here to see what we have been learning
Autumn Term 1!
We are incredibly proud of how all our lovely Seedlings have settled into nursery life. They love exploring both inside and outside and are learning all of our routines well! This half term we have focused on making sure the children are happy and settled, we have read Where is Spot and Dear Zoo, we have learned our key nursery rhymes - Twinkle Twinkle, Row Row Row your Boat, 1,2,3,4,5 and also Hickory Dickory Dock, we have enjoyed our first block with NUFC and we have loved getting into Tales Toolkit! Here is a selection of photos showing all the fun we have had!
Autumn Term 2!
This half term has been another very busy one for the Seedlings! We started off by thinking about Remembrance Day and what it means. Then we celebrated World Kindness Day and thought about our friends and why they make us smile. Children in Need came and went and we did lots of activities about that. We crept into December, with the return of our resident elf - Buddy who likes to hide in different places each morning throughout December. We decorated for Christmas, had a role play shop, made some winter pictures and did all of our Christmas crafts ready to go home with the children at the end of the term. On Cosy Christmas Friday we came to school wearing our pyjamas, watched The Snowman and wrote our letters to Santa! We celebrated National World Nursery Rhyme Week by singing a nursery rhyme a day for our grown ups which went out on Facebook, we danced with the resident Snowman who did his rounds outside of school selling raffle tickets, we investigated what happens to water when left outside over night in the freezing cold and we have done many winter/Christmas themed Tales Toolkits! On top of all this, we have been enjoying daily Squiggle Whilst you Wiggle sessions and Dough Disco too to strengthen our core muscles and the muscles in our fingers that we need to help us write! Finally, we loved welcoming our family and friends in to nursery to join us in a festive singalong, where there were props, actions and instruments galore - we even had our Christmas lunch in between the two sessions! This has been an action packed half term in nursery!