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Autumn Term


In DT, we have been designing, sewing and evaluating our own waist coats to fit our teddies from home. It has taken a lot of perseverance and determination! 





In Autumn 2, we have been following the 'Commando Joe's' programme. This was centred around 'Nancy Wake', a secret spy who helped the Allies during World War Two. In our sessions, we have been re-enacting this by working in teams to come up with 'cover stories' to then be questioned by Gestapo police, all while carrying out exercise! We also read a map of KS2 to locate secret information that was written in Morse Code, before decoding the messages back in class. 



Safety Works Trip


This term, we enjoyed a trip to the 'Safety Works' centre in Newcastle to learn more about keeping safe around water, fire and roads, as well as understanding how the police force deals with problems such as cyber bullying. This trip really made us think about how to keep safe inside and outside of school, while being fun at the same time.