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Spruce - Click here to see what we have been learning

Welcome to Spruce’s class page! Here, you will find out about all the exciting things we have been getting up to.  

Autumn Term 



In PE, we have been lucky enough to have our PE lessons delivered by Mr Elliott, who is from the Newcastle United Foundation. During these sessions, we have been focusing on developing our football skills, including dribbling, running with the ball, balance and keeping possession.


In our RE lessons, we learnt all about the religion of Hinduism and we looked closely at the Hindu festival, Diwali, which is often referred to as the Festival of Lights. We learnt that during Diwali, people often gather with each other and enjoy feasts and exchange gifts. They will decorate their homes, shops, and other public places with clay oil lamps called Diva lamps. These lamps are left burning through the night to welcome the gods and to symbolise goodness, good luck, and good fortune for the new year. Once we learnt about Diva lamps, we then created our very own out of salt dough and decorated them once they were dry. We couldn’t wait to take them home!

Geography and DT

In Geography and DT, we learnt why food comes from different places around the world and we identified some fruits and vegetables that cannot be grown in the UK. We then discussed the benefits of seasonal foods and the impact importing food has on the environment. We then developed our cutting and peeling skills and practised on different fruits and vegetables, thinking carefully about the safety rules.


This term, we were very lucky to visit Beamish! We had so much fun looking around the homes, school and the town and we even got to take part in an electricity workshop where we investigated how electricity is produced in three different ways; via fossil fuels, via wind power and via solar power. We particularly enjoyed walking through the woods to find lots of mischievous elves in their homes. We had to be so quiet to not scare them away!