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School Council

Meet Our School Councillors


At Parkhead Community Primary School we respect and value the fundamental British value of democracy and ensure that views and opinions of our pupils are sought and listened to. 


Each year we hold elections to vote for school council representatives from each class. This is a democratic process and all pupils are invited to stand as school council representatives and are voted for fairly and democratically by their peers.  At our first meeting the members of the School Council elected a Chair and Vice-chair who will work with Miss Glenton to set the agenda for each meeting and lead the meetings.


The school council meets every half term to discuss any issues raised by their peers, ideas to help improve our school even further and organise events.  After each meeting they feedback to their class about what they have discussed in the meeting.


This year the School Council have set the following goals:

  • To make playtimes fun for everyone by having lots of equipment and activities
  • To raise money to buy new playground equipment
  • To make sure that all children in our school feel safe and know who to talk to if they are worried about something
  • To organise events to raise money for charities