KLUBZ (Breakfast and After School Club Provision)

Welcome to Klubz!
A safe and stimulating environment with a selection of free choice activities for all children to enjoy.
We provide before and after school club childcare provision for all children at roll at Parkhead Community Primary School (including Nursery children) and we are delighted to offer the service as part of our extended provision to support our families.
We pride ourselves on the flexibility and quality of service that we provide and whilst you may not require a place for your child on a regular basis, we are more than happy to take ad hoc bookings as required.
Klubz is ran and managed directly by the school itself. As such, all school policies in relation to behaviour, safeguarding, first aid, food hygiene etc are adhered to at all times.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club opens at 7.45am each day and is charged at £3.00 per session.
A variety of breakfast options including toast, fruit and yogurts are available.
After School Club
After School club is open until 5.30pm each day and charges are staggered as follows:
- attendance until 4.30pm is £3.00
- attendance until 5.30pm is £6.00
A light tea is served to children remaining in school for the later session. Food served fulfills the criteria of the School Food Standards for Food Served Outside of School Hours. Parkhead Community Primary School is proud to be a healthy school.
You can book your child on to a breakfast or after school club through your existing 'Lunchshop' account. Payment is taken immediately on booking from your online wallet.
We also accept Childcare Vouchers - please just let us know if you would like to pay via this method. We are already registered with a number of childcare voucher schemes such as Computershare, Fideliti, Edenred, Tax Free Childcare etc. It is simple and easy enough for us to register with other providers, so please just let us know if you need us to do this.
'Klubz' staff can be contacted on 0191 4334145