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Cherry - Click here to see what we have been learning



Welcome to our Cherry Class Page. Here you can find out about all about the exciting things we have been doing and learning about in school. 


Autumn 1

This half term in Maths we have focused on place value. We have been working with numbers up to 1000, identifying how many hundreds, tens and ones are in a number. We partitioned our numbers in different ways, ordered them and compared them.


In our PE lessons, we have been doing Commando Joe’s missions and Dance. In our Commando Joe’s sessions, we looked at the explorer Ed Stafford who walked the length of the Amazon Rainforest. In our missions, we developed our team work skills and resilience through different tasks such as obstacle courses and team races. In our dance sessions we were spies, we copied and remembered choreography and then added to this by creating our own actions.


We have been very busy in Science this half term, we have been learning about Rocks and Soils. In our lessons, we have looked at the different types of rocks and created our own Sedimentary rock sandwiches to help us remember the different layers. We found out about how soil is made and investigated to find the most permeable soil. At the end of our Rocks and Soils topic, we learnt about a palaeontologist called Mary Anning and we found out about how fossils are made. We ended our learning by making our very own fossils.