SPLAT (Supporting Parkhead's Learners to Achieve and Thrive)
Supporting Parkhead’s Learners to Achieve and Thrive
Registered Charity Number: 1196970
Welcome to SPLAT’s page!
SPLAT is a group of parents/carers and community members working together to Support Parkhead’s Learners to Achieve and Thrive. Everyone associated with the school is automatically a member of SPLAT and is welcome to contribute in any way they wish.
The aim of SPLAT is to simply work as hard as we can to raise funds for Parkhead; we want to work closely with the school in supporting the best outcomes for our children. SPLAT endeavour to make a substantial contribution to the life of the school, with all pupils benefitting from the fundraising and work that we do!
The hope is that SPLAT will form an integral part of the school community for many years to come!
We welcome help and ideas from everyone and, as such, have included our contact information at the bottom of this page if you wish to get in touch! We also have a Facebook page by clicking here.
How can you be involved?
There are many ways to be involved with SPLAT without joining the committee itself. You can bake a cake for the cake sale, wrap some presents to gift the children at Christmas, man a stall at a fete, come up with some interesting fundraising ideas or just come and join us for a drink when we meet!
Meet the Committee
How to contact us
We can be contacted directly via email at splat@parkheadprimary.org, by leaving a message at school or by simply approaching us if you happen to see us on the school yard!