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Autumn Term in Willow Class
In D.T this term, we have been designing and making moving monsters. We used card and split pins to make linkages to enable our monsters to move. We had a list of design criteria to stick to and we followed these during the design and making process.
In P.E, we have been busy helping Commando Joe with his missions to help the people in London save their homes from the Great Fire of London. They helped Samuel Pepys save his most precious possessions, collected water from the River Thames and dodged the falling debris. They worked as a team using good communication to solve the missions.
During our dance lessons, we have composed and performed small routines including some mirroring and matching techniques in the theme of The Secret Garden.
In History, we have been learning about The Great Fire of London and the impact this had on the lives of the people in the past. We have talked about where the fire started and how it spread so rapidly across the city. We have studied different sources including diaries and paintings to learn more about this significant event. We have enjoyed looking at some artefacts from the time of the fire to deepen our knowledge and understanding of that time.