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Community Corner

We are delighted to be opening our re-use, reduce, recycle initiative next week in the form of our very own dedicated community room space called ‘Community Corner’.  It is located down the Nursery path and is the first door that you come to on your right.


It is with thanks to funding received from the Gateshead Household Support Fund that we have been able to convert and refurbish this space for our school community use.  


Opening times next week will be 8.15 – 9.15am and again from 2.45 – 3.45pm. You are welcome to call in to browse the wide selection of pre loved uniform items and take what you need.  There is also be a small food bank, which again, you can take from what you need.


At any point, should you be able to donate any of your child’s uniform items which they have outgrown, or you feel able to add an extra item to your weekly shopping to donate to our food bank, please just drop them in – all will be gratefully received.