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Nursery Notes!

After half term, Nursery staff are delighted to be introducing the following for our Nursery children and their families:


Mondays – Parents of Nursery children can collect their child at the earlier time of 3.00pm should they wish to visit the library bus to browse the wide selection of books together and borrow one to read at home.  Mrs Leach; Deputy Head Teacher will be in the library bus to offer support.


Tuesdays – Nursery children will bring home a library book. They can keep this for the week and return the following Tuesday.


Wednesdays – ‘Singing Sessions with Parents’.  Parents of Morning only Nursery children are invited in to Nursery each Wednesday from 11.30 – 11.45am.  Parents of afternoon only and full time Nursery children are invited each Wednesday from 3.00 – 3.15pm.