Summer Fayre Arrangements
Summer Fayre Arrangements
With only one week to go until SPLAT’s Summer Fayre, please note the below arrangements:
- Our Summer Fayre will be taking place on the KS2 yard and field on Thursday 7 July 2022 from 2.30pm.
- There will be a selection of stalls, rides and refreshments available to purchase and enjoy so please bring your small change.
- Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles, Cousins and neighbours are all welcome to attend, even if they do not have a child on roll at Parkhead. We are looking forward to making this an annual community event that is accessible for all.
- Gates will open at 2.20pm to allow you to collect your child.
- Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 parents, please collect your children as normal by 2.30pm.
- Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 parents, please collect your children from the very left side of the yard by 2.30pm – children will be dismissed from their classroom doors on this day as follows to avoid congestion on the yard. Y3 from classroom fire exit door, Y4 from Y4 entrance, Y5 from Y5 entrance, Y6 from classroom fire door exit. A member of staff will be at each door to release the children to parents.
- Once you have collected your child/ren, you are welcome to stay for the fayre and enjoy the various stalls, rides and refreshments on offer.
- If you are unable to collect your child to attend the fair, they will remain with a class teacher until the normal collection time of 3.15pm. Depending on the number of children that remain, there may be an opportunity for them to visit the fayre with the teacher. You may therefore like to send some small change in to school with your child.
- After school club will be open as normal if required and places should be booked via the normal procedure on Lunchshop.
A reminder also, that the summer raffle is now open for purchasing of tickets – there are some fantastic prizes up for grabs. Tickets will be available to purchase on the day of the fayre, and will be drawn towards the end of the fayre.
Any donations of cakes for our cake stall at the summer fayre would be gratefully received on the morning of Thursday 7 July 2022. Thank you in advance.
We hope to see you there.