Summer Fayre Fundraising!
We are over the moon to reveal that our summer fayre raised a fantastic total of £1,860!
Thank you so much for everyone’s support in attending the fayre and making donations for the event. The grand total raised since we began fundraising at the turn of the year has reached a whopping £3,346, and will be put towards purchasing and installing new playground equipment in the form of a climbing frame for the children over the summer holidays. An absolutely fantastic start for Team SPLAT clearly showing the positive impact that we can have when we work together with the sole aim of ‘supporting Parkhead’s learners to achieve and thrive’.
If there are any local businesses who would like to make a contribution, however small, in an attempt to bring our summer fundraising total to £2,000 by the end of term we would be extremely grateful! Please share far and wide to all of your friends and family.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!